Tuesday, February 15, 2005

63,135 mobiles, 5,838 PDA's, 4,973 laptops

Forget them not

Hailing a cab is a serious risk to company data carried in mobile devices. In the past six months in London, 63,135 mobile phones, 5,838 PDAs and 4,973 laptops have been left in licensed taxi cabs - that's three mobiles per cab - according to Taxi, the Licensed Taxi Drivers Association magazine, and Pointsec, the security company. Surveys were carried out in nine cities around the world from Chicago to Sydney. Londoners were most likely to forget their laptops, passengers in Copenhagen most likely to leave their mobile phones, and those in Chicago most likely to lose their PDAs. London taxi drivers also collected a harp, a throne, £100,000 worth of diamonds, 37 milk bottles, a dog, a suitcase from the fraud squad, condoms and a baby. The good news is that, globally, 96% of those who left their PDAs and laptops in licensed cabs, and 80% of those who left their mobiles, got them back.



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